Application form of PMDA-ATC E-learning Training Course

To apply for the courses, please fill in this form and submit.
After checking your application by the secretariat, login ID and password will be sent to your e-mail address in about 5 business days.

  * Required fields
*Full name(First name, <Middle name>, Family name)


Country (other)

If you chose "Other" in the above, please describe here.




Organization (other)

If you chose "Other" in the above, please describe here.

*Occupation ConfirmationThese courses are limited to employees of national or regional reguratory authorities (regulators).
If you are not a regulator, please visit the following site (open for public) ;

Working Relationship with Regulators

If you chose " I do not belong to the national or regional regulatory authority" in the above, but still need to take the course, please describe the working relationship with regulatory authorities in terms of regulating medical products.

*e-mail address (work)e-mail address you use in your workplace
e-mail address (sub/additonal)e-mail address for secondary contact
Comments (if any)
*Announcements from PMDA*PMDA would like to send announcements regarding PMDA international activities (e.g., PMDA-ATC seminars, PMDA Updates) to your email address.
 If you do NOT wish to receive these emails, please check the following box.

Asia Training Center for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs (PMDA-ATC)