Upon sending an inquiry, please take a moment to read the conditions below. If you agree to the conditions, please check the box marked "I agree to the above." If you do not agree, we regretfully inform that you may not use the inquiry form. We appreciate your understanding.
- We handle personal information and inquiry information we receive by email carefully, in accordance with all laws including those pertaining to the protection of personal information. Please view our privacy policy for more information about our handling of personal information.
- Email messages that Earth Corporation sends in response to inquiries are intended for individual recipients. Copyrights pertaining to these messages belong to Earth Corporation. Please refrain from the appropriation, secondary use, or use for any other purpose of part or all of the contents of these messages without the consent of Earth Corporation.
- Not all inquiries will receive a response. There are also cases where it may take some time to respond due to the details of the inquiry. We appreciate your understanding.
- Buisiness hours for responding to inquiries are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday (excluding the year-end and summer holidays).
- Responses are generally provided by email, but we may contact you by phone depending on the details of the inquiry. We appreciate your understanding.
- If Earth Corporation is unable to receive your inquiry due to errors in entering your email address, system disruptions, or other such circumstances, any response may not be provided. We appreciate your understanding.
Regarding the transmission of the form, agreeing to the above contents is necessary. [Required] |
First name [Required] | |
Last name [Required] | |
Company / Organization / Group, etc. | |
Dept / Division | |
Title / Position | |
E-Mail [Required] |
Please enter your e-mail address again for confirm |
Phone Number [Required] | |
Postal Code / Zip Code [Required] | |
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Address [Required] | |
Subject [Required] | |
*Please indent if total letters exceed 100 letters. [Required] | |
*Cases of replied E-mails from us not being able to be properly received are increasing. In case you have set your E-mail to receive only specified domain, in order to block spam mails, please cancel this setting or allow receiving "@earth.jp". |